Saudi Arabia Family Office Investment Meeting

Super Saudi
& the Glorious Gulf

A day of panels and talks for business leaders and family offices who have the power and enthusiasm to take their work and impact to the next level.


The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Previous event: 26 January 2022.

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Gulf Family Offices
Service Providers
Networking Sessions
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We are delighted to welcome family offices and service providers to our latest edition of The Alea Sessions: a fast-paced one-day conference which responds to the issues of the day that affect family offices and the regions in which they operate. 

Our session in Riyadh will cover the latest developments in the economy, investment, tourism and culture in Saudi Arabia, an explosion of activity that affects the whole Gulf region. We will also look at the Gulf region in general and how we can collectively learn from and contribute to the topics of climate change and self-sufficiency.

We will explore the wider topics of real estate investment and how to navigate the current market for future gains, as well as the best start-up investments to make right now. As well as our expert speakers and opportunities for discussion during the programme, we will have our usual scheduled networking breaks during which all of our delegates can meet each other. These breaks are carefully curated to ensure everyone has the opportunity to connect, because we know that magic happens when our attendees have the chance to meet each other in person in the relaxed and engaged environment we provide. 

Through this event we aim to gather more than 50 family offices from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, with our usually highly rewarding 70:30 split of family offices to service providers.

Highlighted Speakers

Khalid Al Zayani
Honorary Chairman
Al Zayani Investments
Kingdom of Bahrain

Khaled Al Maeena 
Quartz & Abeer Medical Group
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Rozana Al Tayyar
Founder & Managing Director
Taswea Financial Consultancy
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Yasser Al Barami 
Mubbadrah Investment
Sultanate Oman 

Ahmed Al Bader
Board Member
Chairperson Of Strategy & Investment
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dana Al Alami
Jewelry & Gold Industry
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Khaled Sharbatly
Managing Partner
Desert Technologies
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 

Tariq Nabulsi
Aster Global Partners
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Khaled Al Quraish
Quraish Integrated Co Ltd
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Lina K Al Maeena
Co-Founder & Executive Partner
Jeddah United Sports Co Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ibtisam Al Jashmi
Managing Partner
Sabeen Group
Sultanate Oman

Mohamed Badr
Alea Global Group

Talal Al Ajou
Investment Department
El Ajou Family Office
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Leah Zveglish
Aster Coop Global

Sophie Smith
Founder and CEO
Nabta Health

Dr. Mussaad Al Razouki
Chief Business Development Officer
Kuwait Life Sciences

Khalid Al Nabhani
Sabeen Group
Sultanate Oman

Yasser Al Saheal
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Al Duaij
Alea Global Group

Khlood A. Aldukheil
Founder & CEO
Erteqa Financial Company
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Adel Edris Alawadhi
Executive Chairman
The Corporate Group

Waseem Al-Khashan
CMO / Group General Manager Marketing
Olayan Financing Company
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Danny Fishman

Waleed AR. BinDawood
Chief Commercial Officer
BinDawood Holding
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Won S. Jang
Executive Vice President of Global Investment Team at SK SUPEX Council
SK Group
South Korea

Essam Albakr
CEO & Founder
Ejada Capital
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Majed M Al Tahan
Founder & CEO
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Bashar Ismail
Healthcare Investor
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Event Partner


We are extremely grateful for the support of our sponsors, who help to make all this possible.

What Our Attendees Say

Get in touch with us

Email us at [email protected].

Please Note: Registration is subject to Advisory Board approval. 

Terms and Conditions Apply.

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